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Metafizik Üzerine Büyük Şerh: Büyük Alfa Kitabı, C.18-24
(Long Commentary on the Metaphysics: The Book Alpha Meizon, C.18-24 )

Yazar : İbn Rüşd   Çeviren  Entelekya
Türü :
Baskı Yılı : 2016
Sayı : 8
Sayfa : 01-27


Anahtar Kelimeler
Aristoteles, İbn Rüşd, metafizik, şerh, neden, ilke, element.

Averroes, who is accepted the greatest commentator of Aristotle in the Midle Ages, has written commentaries on almost all works of the great philosopher in three manners at short, middle and long. These commentaries have been translated into Hebrew and Latin in early period, and have influenced deeply both Middle Ages European philosophy and Jewish thought. In the West, Averroes’ influence has pervaded the whole Europe under the name of Averroism. The present text has been composed of the commentaries on some parts of the ‘Book Alpha Meizon’, the second (in fact first) book of the long commentary on the Metaphysics. Neither has been in our hands Arabic translation of early parts of this book nor has its commentary. In addition, missing parts of this long commentary have not yet been encountered in Hebrew and Latin translations.

Aristotle, Averroes, metaphysics, commentary, cause, principle, element.

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