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Arap Dilinde Gramer Açısından Bölümleme Yöntemi
(The Method of Division in the Arabic Language Grammatically )

Yazar : Adnan Yusufoğlu    
Türü :
Baskı Yılı : 2018
Sayı : 12
Sayfa : 201-216

The research included the study of the style of the section in grammatical terms, he began by defining the section in term of the language and the terminology, followed by the pillars of the section, the scholars' quotes in the pillars. Then divided the section into verbal and nominal sentences. He began with the verbal sentence, which was included from the rules in proofing and denial. The ruling of the answer section, the section included some inflective examples to illustrate the meaning and differentiation between the different structures in this section. He then added the section of the nominal section and what rules included in this and studied the sentence in term of proofing and denial. It included some inflective examples and in each section followed by some special rules, a study in terms of apprising, the creation, the certainty of both sentences and then ended with a conclusion.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Arabic language, grammar, verbal and nominal sentences, terms.

The research included the study of the style of the section in grammatical terms, he began by defining the section in term of the language and the terminology, followed by the pillars of the section, the scholars' quotes in the pillars. Then divided the section into verbal and nominal sentences. He began with the verbal sentence, which was included from the rules in proofing and denial. The ruling of the answer section, the section included some inflective examples to illustrate the meaning and differentiation between the different structures in this section. He then added the section of the nominal section and what rules included in this and studied the sentence in term of proofing and denial. It included some inflective examples and in each section followed by some special rules, a study in terms of apprising, the creation, the certainty of both sentences and then ended with a conclusion.

Arabic language, grammar, verbal and nominal sentences, terms.

Gelişmiş Arama


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Eposta :ifder@igdir.edu.tr

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